Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jovie is 2!

Jovie turned two on January 3rd, so yes, I'm a little behind on my blogging. We had a modest little birthday party for her on the day of. Over the weekend our families came over to help celebrate, which is always wild and fun.

Jovie is full of personality and passion. Sometimes it is hard for her to control her intense feelings (putting it kindly). But Rob and I are learning how to manage her passion. With Jovie it's re-direct, re-direct, re-direct! Even though Jovie is strong willed, she is sweet, helpful, empathetic, and full of energy. When she sees someone sad, she immediately tries to help. She is convinced that we always "need" something. "You thirsty? You hungry?" "Don't cry, it's okay." Recently Jovie has started to show more interest in pretend play. She has a littlest petshop clubhouse where she can play with her little cats and dogs. She gets them things to eat, makes them take naps, and gives them lots of hugs and kisses. This has been translating into wanting to care for our 'real' dogs. She helps feed them and gives them treats...popcorn mainly. Jovie doesn't do anything she doesn't want to do, nor does she do anything 50%. It's all or nothing with this child, and as parents, we pray that this quality will serve her and others lots of good! Sometimes I feel like people look at me like, "Aren't you going to do something about that screaming child?" I just want to look at people and say, "If I felt like this was going to hurt you or her, I'd do something about it." I have a motherly instinct that we need to help Jovie channel all her energy and passion instead of trying to squash it.


sarah fuccillo photography said...

i love her! i want to know what she's thinking about in the last picture... so much concentration on her face :)

Home with the Hodgins' said...

Oh Jovie! She really is so sweet! She just knows what she wants :) love you joves!

Rhonda said...

She is strong willed and knows what she wants. Just like the rest of the women in our family! And there ain't nothing wrong with that! :) Love her!

Jordans04 said...

You are such a good mama! I love that you've gone first, I've learned and continue to learn so much from you :) Jovie only reminds me a bit (;)) of her mama... bossy in the kindest and most nurturing way, strong willed, and born to be a homemaker... FHA here she comes! I'll try to find my red blazer for her ;)

Jordans04 said...

P.S. I LOVE the pic of Jack patiently and inquisitively looking over Jovie's shoulder as she reads her new book, AND the Rainer beer can in the background - priceless.

michele said...

CUtie PIE! Happy Belated Birthday Jovie!