Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lazy Days

Not too much is new around here, but I thought I'd better get something on here for the sake of updating. This picture pretty much sums up our days around here, but let me tell you, when the sun goes down it's a completely different story. In speaking to my friends and family members within the last week, I have come to understand that most babies have a fussy time and that it's usually early evening. Jack never had a fussy time so we were completely spoiled by that. Jovie has chosen her fussy time to start at about 10:00pm lasting until around 12:00-1:00am. I know I shouldn't complain, especially because she does so well during the day, but with Rob up at 5:00am for work, and Jovie and I up again at 3:00am and 6:00am to nurse, our nights have been quite stressful. I hope there is an end in sight to the sleepless nights. 

In other news, Rob and I are so incredibly geared up for the big game on Sunday. In the 8 1/2  years I've known him, he's been the most devoted Arizona Cardinals fan out there. To see them in the Super Bowl this weekend and to see how happy it makes him is so awesome! Just hours after Jovie's birth, we got to witness the first playoff game. I wish someone else besides myself, the doctor, and the nurse could have seen his face. There he sat holding his new baby girl, watching his team win in the playoffs for the first time ever. We'll never forget that day as long as we live, and nothing will probably be able to top it for Rob as long as he lives. So, needless to say, even though we're both exhausted, stressed, and worn out, we have so much to be thankful for...each other, our beautiful, healthy kids, and of course, the good old Cardinals:)


Tory said...

She is adorable Joelle! Luke and I were at the gym watching the cardinals win, and I said to him, boy I wish I could see Rob's face right now, I bet he is soooo happy. I said this has got to make his year! Well hopefully you will be able to sleep more soon. Talk to you soon.

The Price Family said...

So cute :) I am sorry you are up so much a night right now... It makes for really long days even if she is doing well.
What do you guys have planned for Sunday for the big game?

Lindsey said...

Hang in there Joelle! She will get a good routine down in the evening soon.
Enjoy Superbowl Sunday!!

Brian and Staci said...

Happy Superbowl Day! Love the random pics...even if nothing is going on it is fun to watch little Jovie grow!

Jordans04 said...

She is the cutest thing ever! You would never tell from that picture that she can be fussy! I can't wait to see you all in March, I think some good time with friends will feel refreshing. Take care and keep up the positive attitude, you are such an inspiration for me :)