Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lego Man, Sprinkler Girl

Never before would I have thought I would know so much about Legos, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Speed Racer, and many other things that Jack has taken an interest in. I really wanted to post something about Legos because they have been Jack's top interest in the last year or so. He has gotten very good at building them, and I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or anything, but I'm really proud of his Lego building capability. Most of these Lego sets have recommended ages that are 7-9+ years old, and this 4 (almost 5) year old seems to have no problem putting them together. He's always shown an interest in organizing things, putting things together, and taking them apart, and what I really love about Jack is that while he still wants to play with them and blow them up, it's important to him to put them back together and keep them nice and organized. Gotta love that quality in a little boy!

Jovie just toots around as usual. This child has lots of energy and interest in trying least once. I'm a little scared for the 15 year old Jovie, but I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we get there. How did my parents do it with 4 girls? Rob has been watering at night, and Jovie loves to help him:)


sarah fuccillo photography said...

i love the proud look on his face! way to go lego boy! and jovie, that naked tummy is too cute for words!

michele said...

Ok, I couldn't build those things with legos. I seem to still be at the "chunky lego level" -- your kids looks like they are having a great summer. Take Care Joelle!

Brian and Staci said...

nice legos! that is sweet!!!