Monday, August 30, 2010

Beans, Jam, Missing Mom

The last couple weeks have been consumed with house chores, getting ready for school and work, and having company. All things I actually really enjoy.

My G&G Van Diest have a great garden, and as long as I can remember they've had tasty corn, green beans, and beautiful dahlias. Also, as long as I can remember my mom has canned green beans for our family of six to eat throughout the coming year. They've always been my favorite. In the last few years my mom taught me how to do this...a skill that I believe to be so valuable. I'm amazed that we can take something so fresh and with just water, a little salt, and pressure make it last months. However, doing this task by myself in the past week though has left me heartbroken. I never thought at 28 I'd be already putting into practice what took years for my mom to teach me. She's always been there to instruct and take care of the really hard parts. Now I have had to learn to do that on my own. I'm not feeling sorry for least I don't intend for it to be that way. I just miss my mom so much, but I'm proud of myself for doing what she'd be doing right now.

I also had the pleasure of hosting two of my college friends for our annual Jam Fest. This Jam Fest 2010 was so much fun. Last year Sarah's little guy, Justus, was in the hospital about to undergo another surgery, so she obviously couldn't come. This year, Staci and Sarah both were able to make it, and so was little J-man. We had a full house and it was so much fun. Justus and Jovie got to play together, which mostly consisted of Jovie telling him "No" every five seconds. Which by the way all anyone has to do is look at her these days and that's her response. Anyway, we made some amazing jam, as always, and it was so much fun to catch up with these girls.

This week Jack starts Kindergarten and I'm back to work. Believe it or not it's my favorite time of year. Fall is just around the corner (my favorite season) and we're excited to get into our yearly routine. 


Natasha said...

What a great teacher your mom was! She taught you so many valuable things that you will carry with you forever and teach to Jovie. Praying for you guys and hoping that this week goes well.

michele said...

Your green beans and your jam look awesome! Good for you Joelle! And your mom would be so proud!! I LOVE Autumn too. Pumpkin patches, hot lattes, football, changing colors... I hope you are able soak up all the beauty of fall.

Jordans04 said...

I am sad that your Mom wasn't there canning along side you - but I am so happy that your Mom was so knowledgable and talented and shared these wonderful skills with you. This is apart of her legacy that you are carrying out and that is a beautiful thing. Maybe you can teach me sometime ;) I am so excited for fall, I just can't wait for all the things we love: fallen leaves, crisp mornings, football, friends, warm nights at home with the fam... Just can't wait!

Lindsey said...

The beans and jam look FANTASTIC and I am sure taste wonderful! What a wonderful thing to have learned from your mom! You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Brian and Staci said...

Just think soon enough you can teach Jovie what your mom has taught you, the legacy will live on. :) I love when I get to see you guys even if it is only once a year! I love the day family! Thanks for the hospitality! Can't wait for next year!