Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Break

We kicked off Spring Break with a little ferry boat ride to San Juan Island. We stayed at Roche Harbor with our dear friends Jason, Sydney, and new baby Tate. The kids were really excited about the ferry boat. It was a pretty lazy few days considering the weather didn't allow for much exploration around the Island, however it was a much needed mini-vacation. Lots of fun memories, laughs, games, and not much sleep for the adults...I wonder how many bottles of red wine were consumed in those three nights?!?

Upon returning mid-week, we decided to start potty training with Jovie. She was natural! I'm fairly certain I can say she's officially out of diapers, with the exceptional pull-up during naps and bed time.

Between our trip, potty training, and squeezing in some fun time with sisters and friends, the week flew by! I'm sad spring break is over, but so happy that summer vacation is right around the corner with lots of things to look forward to in the coming months.


Natasha said...

Fun! I have been craving a ferry ride over to one of the islands. It was fun have a texting conversation the other night :) Thinking of you a lot this month.

Lindsey said...

Great pictures of the kids on the ferry! Thanks for the fun day on your spring break!! Look forward to our next girls day!!! Hooray for summer break right around the corner!!!

Jordans04 said...

Jason and I were in stiches last night after watching our home video of Jack "couch" dancing to 50 cent... and then promptly head-butting his prop! Great, great fun and nothing can beat cheap red wine and the best of friends (even 3 crying, not-wanting-to-sleep kids) :)! Love and miss you all - glad to be able to make memories like we always do.